We are the babysitting community
Babysits is a childcare community empowering parents and babysitters globally.
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Our values drive us to do our best work
Maybe you have an amazing babysitter right around the corner, or walked by a parent in the grocery store who needs a weekend sitter.
The problem is that we don’t always talk to the people we meet along the way, and this can make it hard for parents and babysitters to find one another.
We at Babysits believe in a future that incites easier solutions for everyday life.
This belief has inspired us to make childcare safe, easy, and affordable, by creating an intuitive marketplace platform which brings parents and childcare providers together.
Whether you are, or are looking for, a toddler wrangler, peek a boo player, diaper changer, tantrum averter, homework helper, or pillow fort builder, we got you covered!
Our service
Delivering the best customer experience the right way.
Our platform
We love our platform. We’ve designed it from scratch, so we can best match the communities' needs.
Our community
We care about our community and therefore we protect our customer data. We never share customer data with third parties.
The power of independence
We operate independently and effectively. We aim for high customer satisfaction by creating the right things right.